True story: two weeks ago I received an email from an entrepreneur I know and respect (who will remain unnamed). It read as follows:
Hi Drummond,
I’ve just joined FounderDating (no, it’s NOT romantic) – a handpicked network of entrepreneurs connecting with advisors and other talented entrepreneurs. Can you do me a quick favor by leaving a quick vouch (aka reference) for me as an advisor? Should take 2 minutes. prove that you’re the real Drummond, you will be asked to use LinkedIn.)
Unlike with some systems, this will help me make much more meaningful connections with potential advisees.
Thank you,
[Name Withheld]
Knowing that this entrepreneur was a very discriminating person who chose his words carefully, I considered this a ringing endorsement of this new site. So I went out of my way to provide a vouch for him.
The site subsequently contacted me with the following email with the subject line, “VIP Invite”:
Hi Drummond:
We noticed your background and wanted to invite you to be a part of a select group of current FounderDating members that are Advisors on FD:Advisors. It’s an expansion of the FounderDating platform that allows entrepreneurs and advisors to meaningfully connect. Others members on FD:Advisors include, Aaron Batalion (CTO/Cofounder, LivingSocial), Josh Handy (Lead Designer, Method Products), Katherine Woo (Chief Product Officer, Kiva) and Sean Byrnes (Cofounder, Flurry), just to name a few.
It’s an opportunity to showcase your expertise, help awesome entrepreneurs and streamline the advisor requests you already get even if you’re not open to others. There is no upfront time commitment. Just click on the button below and fill in your areas of expertise (the ones you want to advise on). We curate the network, but with this invite you are pre-approved.
Hope to see you online,
Cofounder/CEO, FounderDating
Again, given the enthusiasm of the original note I received from the original entrepreneur—and that I am a student of Internet reputation systems given my work on the Respect Trust Framework and Connect.Me—I decided to go ahead and take the plunge. I filled out a few forms, selected a few interest areas, and then did the obligatory selection of a few people would who might vouch for me—chosen from a list of my LinkedIn contacts, of course.
FounderDating never asked me to write or customize a message to them. But this morning, one of them forwarded the email he received (again, I’m redacting his name to protect the innocent):
Hi [Name-Withheld],
I’ve just joined FounderDating (no, it’s NOT romantic) – a handpicked network of entrepreneurs connecting with advisors and other talented entrepreneurs. Can you do me a quick favor by leaving a quick vouch (aka reference) for me as an advisor? Should take 2 minutes. prove that you’re the real [Name-Withheld], you will be asked to use LinkedIn.)
Unlike with some systems, this will help me make much more meaningful connections with potential advisees.
Thank you,
Ah-ha. I immediately realized that the email I first received was NOT written by the entrepreneur who I thought composed it, but rather forged on his behalf, just like this one was forged on my behalf.
Poof. There went all the trust I will ever have in I strongly urge that you do not patronize this site. I will not respond to any email or any vouch request from them again.
P.S. When I went to the site to delete my account (for which they had never given me a credential), I clicked the sign-in button and got this error message:
That’s it. They won’t even give me a way to leave.